30 Years Later - Ruby Ridge And The Murder Of Vicki Weaver
Today is the 30th anniversary of the murder of Vicki Weaver, murdered in cold blood by FBI sniper Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi, a man who has never faced justice, and likely never will at least in a courtroom.
I reviewed an excellent book on the siege and murder of Vicki Weaver and the son of Randy and Vicki Weaver, Samuel, in 2019: Book Review: Ruby Ridge: The Truth and Tragedy of the Randy Weaver Family
Also one of many good videos out on this grim anniversary:
Ruby Ridge and Waco demonstrated that the Federal government has a license to murder American citizens if they can be accused of extremism. If anything their arrogance and cruelty has grown in the past 30 years and they would not hesitate to gun down you, your wife, your kids, your dog. Anyone who stands in the way of their overlords and masters.
Never forget Vicki and Samuel Weaver, martyrs for the cause of freedom.